About Coach Bri

Certified ADHD Life Coach (IACT Center) , Member of the ICF

Hey Friend,

Welcome to the party, I’m Bri! Here a few things that I believe would be helpful for you to know about me: 

I was diagnosed with ADHD- combined type at 34 years old! I’m not sure I’ll ever have the words to express how my life changed once I began to understand my brain.

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Can you relate?

Before my diagnosis,

I spent years bouncing from job to job looking for something that could hold my attention for more than 6 months while the people around me suggested I just “follow my passion”…ummmm, how do I pick just one? 

Genuine friendships were few and far between & self-doubt consumed me.

Am I a good mom? How can I be successful if I can’t even remember to dry my clothes? What is success anyway? They say they are my friends, but do they really want to hang out with me?

Sound familiar? 


After my diagnosis,

I felt like I finally had the correct key to start the car. Hot wiring my brain no more!

I was finally able to use therapy and coaching to my benefit. Goodbye Harvard time management manuals, hello condiments in the crisper drawers and veggies on the shelf. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE.

I am finally free to be ME. No more masking. No more chameleon. 

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Ok, that’s all cool but how did you end up coaching? 

Eventually, I discovered a passion that didn’t fizzle after 2 months. I was passionate about mental health and personal growth. I decided that I wanted to go back to school to become a therapist.

When I shared this idea with my personal therapist, she offered a different idea for me to consider. She insisted that coaching was my path. (Confession: I thought that coaching was just knock off therapy)

I promised to humor her and learn more about the differences. 

After a bit of research, I realized that she was right. Just a few months later, I enrolled in my first coaching program and the rest is history. 

 Want to learn more? Schedule your complimentary consultation now.